January 3, 2021 – January 24, 2021
During unprecedented times in our world, we can all feel a little unsettled and anxious. This is why it is more important than ever to be grounded, confident and rooted in our faith in Christ so that we can experience the peace that only He can bring.
Our Greatest Victory
Pastor Gavin van Heerden concludes the ‘Rooted’ series from Hebrews 12: 18-24 on the awesome
Set For The Race
In part 3 of our ‘Rooted’ series, Pastor Gavin van Heerden preaches from Hebrews 12:
Steadying Confidence
Pastor Gavin van Heerden preaches part 2 of the ‘Rooted’ series at Linkway Church. This
Keeping Steady
Pastor Gavin van Heerden preaches part 1 of the ‘Rooted’ series at Linkway Church. This