Light Walkers
1 John 1:5 makes it clear that ‘God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all’
The follow-on to this is that those who claim to know Him, but still walk in darkness, are deceiving themselves since those who really know Jesus should resemble Him.
The book of 1 John presents multiple ‘tests’ to see whether we really do know Jesus, and this series will challenge and encourage us to find out more about Jesus and see where we stand with Him
Be In The Know
Pastor Allan van Heerden preaches the concluding message of our series in 1 John This
Look Up, Child of God
Pastor Allan van Heerden preaches part 4 of the ‘Light Walkers’ series at Linkway Church
The Way of Love
Pastor André de Jager preaches part 3 of the ‘Light Walkers’ series at Linkway Church
Walk In The Fullness
Pastor Allan van Heerden preaches part 2 of our series in the book of 1
Jesus, the Word of Life
Pastor André de Jager launches our new series in the book of 1 John, entitled