April 7, 2024 – May 5, 2024
Hunger & Thirst
In this brief series we grow in having a deeper desire for the things of God, while not being so easily satisfied with what the world offers us.
Hunger & Thirst Recap
Pastor André de Jager briefly recaps our Hunger & Thirst series as we spend an extended time
Maintaining A Yeast-Free Diet
In this message from Galatians 5: 1-9, Pastor André de Jager concludes our series ‘Hunger &
Stay Hungry & Keep Growing
In this message from Hebrews 5: 11-14, Pastor Allan van Heerden preaches a message into
The Bread of Life
In this message from John 6: 25-37, Ps André de Jager preaches on Jesus as
A Satisfying Hunger
In this opening message from Matthew 5: 1-10, Ps Gavin van Heerden preaches on having