Jesus Himself directly and actively leads His church, calling and empowering individuals by His Spirit to lead and guide under His authority (1 Peter 5: 1-5 ; Ephesians 4: 11-16 ; Colossians 1: 18).
Linkway is led by an elected team of called and capable elders who oversee the health, doctrine and direction of the church while empowering a team of pastors, deacons and other volunteers for various roles of ministry. We currently have three base elders (fulltime staff members with formal theological training), a fulltime pastor not on eldership, and five marketplace elders (serving in a volunteer capacity as those who have other fulltime employment) along with a pastoral assistant who have responded to God’s call and given their lives to love Jesus and His Church.
Base Elders
Allan van Heerden
Lead ElderAllan has a heart and passion for worship and using his creative gifting to help people connect with Jesus, as well as an incredible capacity for leadership and administration. In August 2023, Ps Allan took over the lead eldership role for Linkway and now heads up the leadership team.
Al and his wife, Sam, have two beautiful little girls, Ashley & Sarah and live in Welgelegen.
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Gavin van Heerden
Base ElderGavin has a passion for teaching and preaching the Bible, leading the Church and seeing people coming into a meaningful relationship with Jesus.
Gavin and Val founded Linkway Church in 1995 and have led the church faithfully over the last two and a half decades until passing on the mantle of leadership.
They have three adult children and live in Edgemead.
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André de Jager
Base ElderAndré had his life radically changed by Jesus as a young man of 17 and, as a result, finds great joy when anyone experiences that same change. André has a gift for teaching and preaching, which he often utilizes in creating video content as well.
André and Ali live in Panorama with their two children, Zack & Zoë
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Marketplace Elders
Gary Smith
Marketplace ElderGary has an incredible anointing for evangelism and, along with his wife Lynette, has been part of the heartbeat of Linkway for many years now.
Barrow Marillier
Marketplace ElderBarrow carries incredible wisdom, and has been part of Linkway since almost the very beginning.
Barrow and Rita have five adult children and live just outside Blouberg.
Juriaan Fourie
Marketplace ElderJuriaan and Carolyn moved down to Cape Town from Port Elizabeth right around the time Linkway was moving into its building in Edgemead. Their son, Daniel, has spent most of his life growing up in the church and now lives in Dubai with his wife Denise. Juriaan has an anointing of discernment & wisdom, and has been part of the leadership for many years.
Juriaan is an avid photographer, and lives in Plattekloof Glen.
Kennedy Mulenga
Marketplace ElderDr. Kennedy Mulenga holds a PhD in Practical Theology from the University of Pretoria and hails from Zambia. He, and his wife Elizabeth, have a strong pastoral gifting to care for people – which is exercised both in Linkway and at the Cape Town Baptist Seminary where Kennedy is on the faculty.
Kennedy and Elizabeth have 3 adult children and live in Parklands
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Mike Seeger
Marketplace ElderMike has an awesome heart for shepherding people, and after many years in the workplace is now enjoying his retirement – which gives him more time to pour into the church of Jesus.
Mike and Myrna have two adult children and live in Monte Vista
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Rob Green
Marketplace ElderRob has a massive passion for the small group ministry of the church, and after many years working for Telkom now works for Maersk where he makes use of his administrative gifting to bless that company.
Rob and Theresa have two adult children and live in Bothasig.
Allan van Heerden
Lead ElderAllan has a heart and passion for worship and using his creative gifting to help people connect with Jesus, as well as an incredible capacity for leadership and administration. In August 2023, Ps Allan took over the lead eldership role for Linkway and now heads up the leadership team.
Al and his wife, Sam, have two beautiful little girls, Ashley & Sarah and live in Welgelegen.
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Gavin van Heerden
Base ElderGavin has a passion for teaching and preaching the Bible, leading the Church and seeing people coming into a meaningful relationship with Jesus.
Gavin and Val founded Linkway Church in 1995 and have led the church faithfully over the last two and a half decades until passing on the mantle of leadership.
They have three adult children and live in Edgemead.
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André de Jager
Base ElderAndré had his life radically changed by Jesus as a young man of 17 and, as a result, finds great joy when anyone experiences that same change. André has a gift for teaching and preaching, which he often utilizes in creating video content as well.
André and Ali live in Panorama with their two children, Zack & Zoë
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Rencia Young
Youth PastorRencia has an incredible passion for Jesus and young people. After joining the pastoral team in September 2023, she has been pastoring our teenagers and overseeing all of our next-gen ministry
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Office Staff & Interns
Val van Heerden
Pastoral AssistantAs the spiritual mom of our church, Val has been instrumental in the growth of Linkway since the very beginning in 1995, officially joining the office team in October 2000 as a Pastoral Assistant.
Val deals with everything from overseeing the ladies ministry, office administration, supporting the base elders and leading & counselling alongside Gavin.
Lead Elder
Allan van Heerden
Lead ElderAllan has a heart and passion for worship and using his creative gifting to help people connect with Jesus, as well as an incredible capacity for leadership and administration. In August 2023, Ps Allan took over the lead eldership role for Linkway and now heads up the leadership team.
Al and his wife, Sam, have two beautiful little girls, Ashley & Sarah and live in Welgelegen.
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Base Elder
Gavin van Heerden
Base ElderGavin has a passion for teaching and preaching the Bible, leading the Church and seeing people coming into a meaningful relationship with Jesus.
Gavin and Val founded Linkway Church in 1995 and have led the church faithfully over the last two and a half decades until passing on the mantle of leadership.
They have three adult children and live in Edgemead.
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Base Elder
André de Jager
Base ElderAndré had his life radically changed by Jesus as a young man of 17 and, as a result, finds great joy when anyone experiences that same change. André has a gift for teaching and preaching, which he often utilizes in creating video content as well.
André and Ali live in Panorama with their two children, Zack & Zoë
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Marketplace Elder
Kennedy Mulenga
Marketplace ElderDr. Kennedy Mulenga holds a PhD in Practical Theology from the University of Pretoria and hails from Zambia. He, and his wife Elizabeth, have a strong pastoral gifting to care for people – which is exercised both in Linkway and at the Cape Town Baptist Seminary where Kennedy is on the faculty.
Kennedy and Elizabeth have 3 adult children and live in Parklands
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Marketplace Elder
Mike Seeger
Marketplace ElderMike has an awesome heart for shepherding people, and after many years in the workplace is now enjoying his retirement – which gives him more time to pour into the church of Jesus.
Mike and Myrna have two adult children and live in Monte Vista
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